About Handmade Paper

Stack of handmade sheets

Recycled Paper

Used, shredded paper is collected, soaked and blended, then colored, or combined with inclusions, and pulled into new, individual sheets of paper. We’re always on the lookout for fun, interesting and colorful substances to use for inclusions. Check back to see what we’ve come up with!

Current inclusions used:

Here’s how we pull sheets of paper – link takes you to a video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cU2xu2RxqLA

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Plant Fiber Paper

Our plant fiber papers contain plant parts gathered from backyards, flower gardens, fields, and pastures. Best way to find great paper ingredients is to take a ride on a country road – the possibilities fill the ditches! Once the fiber is gathered, it needs to be cut to a manageable size, cooked to remove impurities, beaten to roughen and hydrate the fibers. At this point you can put it in the vat and pull sheets. Plant fibers need a formation aid to create uniform sheets and one of the best is found in the garden – okra juice! The fruits are sliced, or crushed, placed in an old pantyhose leg and soaked in water, the resulting goo is added to the pulp to ‘thicken’ the water to allow better sheet formation. Plant fiber paper can be smooth on one side if dried with heat by ironing or using a heated drying box, or you can keep the wild and crazy natural texture by cold pressed drying. Either way, plant fibers make fantastic and interesting paper.

Current plant fiber used:

  • Daylily Stems
  • Dandelion
  • Thistledown
  • Rose Petals
  • Prairie Grass
  • Wheat
  • Hemp
  • Morning Glory

Learn More about plant fiber paper and how we make it!



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Hand Marbled Recycled Paper


Handmade recycled paper is printed with the ancient art of marbling. A painstaking process that requires practice to achieve the intricate combed design of traditional marbled patterns. You can also be very free-flowing with the pattern and ‘paint’ on the surface of the size.

Learn more about the marbled paper.

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Here’s a video of how we make paper!