Marbling Options

Pattern Choices

Feather combed marbled fabric
Feather comb is a fine linear delicate pattern, stripes within stripes.



freeform combed marbled fabric
Freeform is a curvier pattern with some spots more fine lines and others are larger swirly areas.



Stone combed marbled fabric
Stone is a fluid background comb with round ‘stones’ of color in several sizes and tones.




Color Choices

mother earth colors marbling sample
Earthtones – neutral earth tones of black, white, brown, tan, creme.



mother earth colors marbling sample
Sunset Beach – blues, greens, purples, golds, tans, yellows – think your favorite warm beach at sunset.



mother earth colors marbling sample
Forest Canopy – greens, blues, browns, touch of black. Imagine lying on your back and looking up thorough the leaves of the trees on a warm sunny afternoon.



mother earth colors marbling sample



black on red marbling example



blue and gray on white marbling sample



blue and gray on white marbling sample



blue and gray on white marbling sample
Black and white

The color possibilities are really endless!